Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Can Your Customers Find You Between Shows?

If you are a vendor in some of the larger shows across the country, you know that there can be months between shows...can your customers find you? ...more importantly can NEW customers who may have seen you for the first time at your last show find you?

Denver, Quartzsite, and Tucson are all so BIG - with room after room and row after row of vendors, minerals, gems and findings - the cash always runs out before the wanting.

I am that customer that says, 4 months later in the middle of a new design..."Oh, who was that dealer with those amazing Demantoid Garnet Crystal Clusters!"

Since I didn't have a need at the time, of course I didn't pick up a card or write down the name. So how do I find you? I pick up my EZ-Guide, or go onto the EZ-Guide website - find the show - find the vendor list match it to the floor plan and VOILA! I can click through to your website...or can I?

Mineral & Fossil Supply
Mineral Mania 96
Mineral Movies
Mineral of the Month Club
Mineral Treasure-Madagascar Gemstones
Mineralien Fossilien Galerie
Mineralien Zentrum - Germany
Mineralogical Almanac
Mineralogical Record
Minerals Sarai274

I know that this seems like a lot of work to find a specific seller, but jewelry designers can verify that it is worth every minute to find something we touched and saw with our own eyes. So when we go that far only to see that you haven't paid for a live link on the website...now we have to go to Google and hope it that we find the same seller - now the process seems never ending and we aren't sure it's even the right place.

Do us, your NEW and prospective buyers a favor, when you plan to do a show pay the little bit extra for a "Live" link from the show page to your website...help us find you after you've left town!

In today's online world...this is the most cost-effective marketing tool and you don't have to buy a print ad to purchase a "Live"link...but why wouldn't you want to?

Shoppers - is there some other way that dealers can help you find them? let us know!

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